10 Clever Ice Breaker Games To Help Teens Get The Party Started
If there is one thing I know for sure, plenty of teenagers love to party... or rather love the idea of being invited to a party. But on the flipside, the teenage years can be a time of self-consciousness, especially for younger teens.
So even at the most anticipated birthday party or gathering, some teens can feel a little unsure at first—whether they know everyone or not.
This is where icebreaker games come in as a useful tool. are such a great tool: they take the pressure off, get everyone involved, and help break the initial awkwardness in a chilled way.
That said, there is bound to be a mix of personalities and levels of confidence:
- Some teens are naturally confident and ready to jump into anything.
- Others might feel shy or reticent and need a little more time to warm up.
To make sure nobody feels overwhelmed or awkward, it’s a good idea to:
- Start with low-pressure, easy to play games that don't single anyone out to be centre of attention - spot on for shy or quieter teens.
- Once the group starts to relax, introduce games with higher stakes when it comes to taking centre stage.
Below, you’ll find some of the best icebreaker games for teens. I've split the list into two sections so you can pick a selection that work to get everyone at the party you are planning in the party mood.
Icebreaker Games for Shy or Reticent Teens
These games are great for helping quieter teens feel comfortable without the pressure of being in the spotlight. They’re simple, inclusive, and great for gently encouraging conversation.
1. Snowball Questions
Snowball Questions is a great little question-and-answer game where teens write down questions, turn them into “snowballs,” and answer them anonymously.
Why it’s great for shy teens: Teens can participate anonymously, which takes the pressure off. It’s also lighthearted and gives everyone something to talk about without putting them on the spot.
Number of players: 6+
What you need: White paper and pens.
How To Play:
- Hand out a sheet of paper and a pen to each player.
- Ask everyone to write down a fun question, such as “What’s your favourite film?” or “If you could have any pet, what would it be?”
- Players crumple their paper into a “snowball” and throw it into the middle of the room.
- Each player picks up a random snowball, uncrumples it, and answers the question they find.
- Play several rounds to keep the fun going.
2. Icebreaker Bingo
Ice Breaker Bingo really is the game that lives up to its name! It's a simple game where teens complete a bingo card by finding others who match cute, fun or silly prompts.
Why it’s great for shy teens: This game encourages quick, low-pressure conversations that don’t linger for too long. Teens can chat and move at their own pace.
Number of players: 6+
What you need: Pre-made bingo cards (or blank grids) and pens.
How To Play:
- Create bingo cards with prompts like “Has a pet,” “Loves pineapple on pizza,” or “Can speak another language.”
- Hand out cards and pens to all players.
- Players mingle, asking each other questions to find someone who matches each square. That person signs the box.
- The first player to complete a row (or the whole card) shouts “Bingo!”
Our Slumber Party Games bundle and Spa Party Game bundle both have a find the guest bingo game in them.
3. Four Corners
Four Corners is a class ice-breaker game where players answer questions by moving to a labelled corner of the room that matches their answer.
Why it’s great for shy teens: There’s no speaking required unless teens want to share, making it an easy and low-pressure way to participate.
Number of players: 6+
What you need: Nothing!
How To Play:
- Label each corner of the room with a theme, such as favourite foods (“Pizza,” “Burgers,” “Tacos,” “Sushi”) or hobbies (“Reading,” “Sports,” “Gaming,” “Art”).
- Call out a question like “What’s your favourite food?” and players move to the corner that matches their answer.
- You can encourage short chats within each corner before calling a new question.
4. Would You Rather?
Would You Rather is a super popular for good reason. It's a quick fire game where players answer fun “Would you rather” questions and explain their choices.
Why it’s great for shy teens: The game requires only short answers, and there’s no wrong response—teens can answer as briefly or as playfully as they like.
Number of players: 3+
What you need: A list of “Would you rather” questions (optional).
How To Play:
- Take turns asking fun “Would you rather” questions, such as “Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?”
- The chosen player answers and can explain their choice if they feel like it.
- Keep the game light and silly to keep everyone engaged.
Take a peak at: this big list of 198 would you rather questions for teens
5. The Compliment Circle
The Compliment Circle is such a lovely positive game where players give compliments to others, spreading kindness and good vibes.
Why it’s great for shy teens: This positive, uplifting game focuses on kindness and inclusion, making it less intimidating for quieter players.
Number of players: 4+
What you need: A small object (like a ball).
How To Play:
- Sit in a circle and give the object to one player.
- That player gives a genuine compliment to someone else in the group.
- They then pass the object to the person they complimented.
- Play continues until everyone has given and received at least one compliment.
Icebreaker Games for More Relaxed, Confident Teens
These games are higher-energy, often physical or performance-based, and are ideal for once the group is relaxed and ready for a little more action.
1. Two Truths and a Lie
Two Truths And A Lie is a guessing game where players share two true facts and one false statement about themselves while others guess the lie.
Why it’s great for confident teens: Sharing fun facts—and a sneaky lie—gets everyone talking, giggling, and trying to outwit each other.
Number of players: 4+
What you need: Nothing!
How To Play:
- Each player takes turns sharing three statements about themselves—two truths and one lie. You can also split larger groups up into teams.
- The group guesses which statement is the lie.
- Play continues until everyone has had a turn.
2. The Human Knot
The Human Knot is a truly hands-on group challenge where players try to untangle themselves without letting go of each other’s hands.
Why it’s great for confident teens: This hands-on game requires teamwork and physical interaction, making it perfect for breaking awkwardness among outgoing groups.
Number of players: 6+
What you need: Nothing!
How To Play:
- Players stand in a circle and grab the hands of two different people (not standing next to them).
- Without letting go, the group works together to untangle themselves into a full circle.
3. Who Am I? (Sticky Note Game)
Who Am I? is a super fun guessing game where players ask questions to figure out what’s written on a sticky note placed on their forehead.
Why it’s great for confident teens: Guessing aloud and asking questions keeps the group lively and interactive.
Number of players: 4+
What you need: Sticky notes and a pen.
How To Play:
- Write the name of a famous person, fictional character, or object on each sticky note.
- Without looking, each player has a sticky note placed on their forehead.
- Players take turns asking “yes or no” questions to figure out who they are.
4. The Laughing Chain (Ha-Ha Game)
The Laughing Game is possibly the most silly game on this list. It's a game where players take turns adding “Ha” to the chain without laughing.
Why it’s great for confident teens: It’s silly, loud, and perfect for groups that love contagious laughter and playful competition.
Number of players: 4+
What you need: Nothing!
How To Play:
- Sit in a circle. The first player says “Ha” once, the next player says “Ha-Ha,” and so on.
- Players must stay serious—anyone who laughs is out!
Also read: 17 Fun Minute To Win It Games For Teens
5. Charades (With a Theme)
Does Charades need any introduction?! It's a team-based guessing game where players act out words or phrases while their teammates try to guess.
Why it’s great for confident teens: Outgoing players will enjoy acting and performing while keeping their team guessing.
Number of players: 4+
What you need: A list of words or phrases.
How To Play:
- Divide the group into teams.
- Players take turns acting out words or phrases without speaking, while their team guesses.
- The team with the most correct guesses wins.
So there you have it, a bunch of gentle, low-pressure games to help shy teens relax, then some more energetic games for confident teens. Strike the right balance and everyone will be enjoying themselves in no time.
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