89 Clever And Creative Easter Egg Hunt Hiding Ideas (Indoors and outdoors)

89 Clever And Creative Easter Egg Hunt Hiding Ideas (Indoors and outdoors)

Strike a balance between creating a fun egg hunt and one that's over in a flash with this list of the best hiding places.

If you’re taking on the role of the Easter bunny and scratching your long ears wondering where on earth to hide the eggs this year, you need this big list of hiding place ideas for inspiration.

I’ve amassed a bunch of great hiding places both indoors and outdoors, mixing in easier spots with trickier ones so you can keep kids of all ages, from tots to teens, hunting high and low until they’ve found every last egg.

There are various ways you can set up your hunt, from a simple, set kids free to find the eggs, to giving out clues to follow to find the eggs or hiding the clues to lead to a big basket of Easter treasure.

Whichever route you take, you will need good hiding places, so dive into this list and start plotting the greatest Easter Egg Hunt ever!

NB: Please excuse all egg-related puns, I just can’t help myself.

49 Egg-Stremely Good Indoor Hiding Places

Choose from this list of ideas and inspiration for hiding Easter eggs around your home.

  1. Inside kitchen cabinets or drawers
  2. In the pantry
  3. In dry goods containers in the pantry
  4. On top of the refrigerator
  5. Inside the refrigerator
  6. Inside the microwave
  7. Inside pots or pans
  8. Inside the cutlery drawer (not the knives section!)
  9. In the kitchen sink
  10. Inside kitchen roll tube
  11. In the dishwasher (It’s always good to draw attention to the fact it exists!!)
  12. Under the sofa/couch
  13. Down the side of sofa/couch cushions
  14. Taped under a coffee table
  15. Taped under a dining table
  16. Behind the TV screen
  17. Behind furniture
  18. Inside coat pockets in the boot room/hallway
  19. Balanced on the top of door frames
  20. Inside shoes (as long as the eggs are wrapped!)
  21. In the clean laundry basket (not the dirty one 🤢)
  22. Inside vases
  23. Inside plant pots
  24. Hidden in the stems of houseplants
  25. Inside the linen closet
  26. Inside a lampshade (as long as the light is switched off to avoid melting!)
  27. Taped under tables or countertops
  28. In the attic/loft/cellar (as long as they are safe spaces to walk)
  29. Inside the cable/cord/random electrical bits drawer
  30. Inside musical instruments
  31. Inside a tissue box
  32. On a window sill
  33. Behind pictures on shelves or dressers
  34. Behind artwork on the wall
  35. Inside toys
  36. Inside a toy box
  37. Behind books on a bookshelf
  38. On top of a wardrobe
  39. Inside a wardrobe
  40. In the pocket of a dressing gown
  41. Inside pillowcases
  42. Taped under beds
  43. Inside stuffed animals (if there is a zip)
  44. Inside sock drawer
  45. Inside socks in the sock drawer
  46. In a makeup bag
  47. In a desk drawer
  48. Taped under a desk
  49. Behind curtains/plantation shutters/blinds

40 Egg-Cellent Outdoor Hiding Place Ideas

Taking your egg hunt outdoors? Here are some great places to hide Easter eggs in your garden or yard.

  1. Behind bushes
  2. In the branches of bushes
  3. In flower pots
  4. In the branches of a tree (bear in mind safety and climability!)
  5. In a hole or nook in a tree
  6. Strung and hung from tree branches
  7. In between the above-ground roots of a tree
  8. Taped to stays of the porch
  9. Taped under the porch
  10. In or under outdoor seating
  11. Inside outdoor furniture cushions
  12. In the barbecue (as long as it’s off!)
  13. In the fire pit or chiminea (see above for safety message!)
  14. In a woodpile
  15. In a treehouse
  16. In a playhouse
  17. Taped to a bike frame
  18. Taped under a scooter footboard
  19. Under or on the trampoline
  20. Taped to a swing frame
  21. Taped under a swing seat
  22. Inside a sandbox
  23. In the mailbox
  24. Behind or in garden ornaments
  25. Inside a birdhouse or feeder
  26. Behind rocks or large stones
  27. In or taped to fence or gate panels
  28. Balanced on top of fence posts
  29. In piles of leaves
  30. Inside the wound-up garden hose
  31. In the tool shed (away from dangerous tools)
  32. Inside garden gloves
  33. Inside garden boots
  34. Inside the wheelbarrow
  35. Under empty pots or planters
  36. On the porch roof (if safe and easy for older kids to reach)
  37. Inside outdoor toys
  38. Inside outdoor sports equipment
  39. In the garage
  40. Behind the shed

Tips For Planning An Egg-Shell-Ent Easter Egg Hunt

Here are a few simple tips for making sure that you plan an age-appropriate Easter Egg hunt so that everyone gets to enjoy hunting and finding.

Ages 1-3

  • Hide eggs close together in open, easy-to-spot places
  • Consider using paper pictures of Easter Eggs and then giving mini chocolate eggs as prizes at the end
  • Keep the hunt short, around 15 minutes

Ages 4-6

  • Space eggs a bit further apart
  • Hide some higher and lower for a bit more of a challenge
  • Include a special prize egg as motivation to find the most eggs
  • Keep the hunt to around 30 minutes max

Ages 7-10

  • Get creative with the hiding places, kids this age love a challenge
  • Consider adding in activity eggs that contain a challenge inside
  • Hunts for this age can happily last for up to an hour

Tweens and Teens

  • Hide eggs in harder-to-find places
  • Create cryptic clues or include challenges within eggs that lead to winning a bigger prize
  • Consider pitting teams against each other for larger groups
  • Hide eggs with small toys or gifts instead of all chocolate for teens
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