17 Fun Teen Party Games That Work Super Well For Groups
Here is a list of some of the most fun, easy to prepare, party games that work well for groups of teenagers.
These games are great for birthday celebrations or just hanging out having fun together.
These games are particularly great for those most awkward of teen years - 13 - 16 years old.
Party On (Dude!) With These Brilliant Group Games
Wink Murder is an absolute classic party game that never gets old. It is a game of stealth and cunning that teenagers love playing.
- Number of players: 4+
- What you need: Paper for tearing into chits and a pen
How To Play:
- Create a set of paper chits so that everyone in the room can take one
- Write ‘murderer’ on one chit
- Fold the chits over and put them in a bowl
- All players form a circle
- Hand the bowl around for everyone to take a chit.
- The game can begin once everyone has a chit and has a chance to see if they are the murderer.
- All the players must make eye contact with one another whilst keeping an eye out to see who the murderer is
- Meanwhile, the murderer must take the opportunity to wink at a fellow player without anyone else seeing
- If a player is winked at by the murderer, they must feign death. They can do this as quietly or as dramatically as they wish
- After a player has feigned death, the other players have the chance to accuse. Only one person can be accused each round.
- If the murderer is accused, the rest of the players win, but if the murderer stays undetected, they win!
Junk in the Trunk is a game of movement and laughter that causes those who are really competitive to pull some serious moves! Perfect for flexible teens!!
- Number of players: 6+
- What you need: This game needs a little preparation ahead of the party. Attach an empty tissue box to a belt or rope to make it look like a waist bag/bumbag. You will need at least 8 ping pong balls, some good party music and the stopwatch on your mobile phone
How To Play:
- Junk In The Trunk is a very active party game that involves a lot of dancing, shaking and moving around.
- The game is played one player at a time
- Put the ping pong balls in the tissue box tied to the belt
- Ask the player to tie the belt around their waist with the box at the back
- The players get one minute to shake their bodies and get the balls out of the box
- Any player who manages to get all the ping pong balls out of the box wins a prize
Watch this video of a Junk In The Trunk game in action:
3. WHO AM I?
Who Am I? Is a bit of a classic party game. You can buy Who Am I? games, but I really like the version with a pack of sticky notes.
- Number of players: 4+
- What you need: 1 pack of sticky notes, a pen for every guest
How To Play:
- Decide if the game will have a theme. For example, 90s music stars, TV show characters, movie stars
- Give everyone a sticky note. Ask them to write the name of a well-known person on it and keep it secret
- Ask everyone to attach the sticky note to the forehead of the person sitting to their right, making sure that this person doesn’t catch sight of the name on the sticky note
- Going around the guests, everyone then takes a turn trying to work out who they are. The questions must have ‘yes/no’ answers, such as… ‘Am I male?’, ‘Am I alive’, ‘Am I British’ etc
A guest can keep going with questions until they hit a ‘no’ answer or until they guess incorrectly
The winner is the first to guess correctly, but the game can continue until everyone has either guessed or given up
Fortune Teller is a light-hearted look into the future for all the party guests.
- Number of players: 6+
- What you need: Paper/ sticky notes and pens and four bags
How To Play:
- There are four categories – Marry, number of children, place, and profession.
- Each party guest writes down a name, place, number and profession on one of four pieces of paper
- Fold the paper up so the writing can’t be seen
- Put the paper into one of four category bags
- Each player takes a turn to pick a piece of paper from each one of the bags
- That player then reads out their four category results
- The levels of laughter will depend on how random the sentences are based on how random the details are on each piece of paper
This is a hilarious party game for teens that works best with two or more teams.
It’s a great antidote to the social media-induced need to always look perfect. And of course it’s spot on for playing at a spa party.
- Number of players: 8+
- What you need: Lipstick, powder, nail polish, blusher, eye shadow… hair clips, hair brushes… basically anything that is hygienic to share (so avoid mascara and use lip brushes for gloss/lipstick). Two blindfolds.
How To Play:
- Divide the party guests into two teams
- Choose a make-up artist who will be blindfolded
- Choose a model who will have their make-up done
- The rest of the team ‘guides’ the blindfolded makeup artist to create a look for the model
- Choose a winner based on either the best effort or the most hilarious effort!!
This is a fun way to ask teenagers some interesting questions.
- Number of players: 3+
- What you need: A set of funny, interesting and challenging questions appropriate for teens. You can buy a set of Would You Rather cards to make life easy.
How To Play:
- The party guests sit in a circle
- The first guest starts the ball rolling by asking the first ‘Would you rather…’ question to the person sitting opposite them in the circle
- Play continues until the teens have had enough!!
Pop over to my Would You Rather Questions for Teens to see a list of 200+ great questions and grab the free PDF printable version of the list.
This is a deliciously fun party game for teens with a sweet tooth!
- Number of players: 4+
- What you need: A big bowl of Skittles, straws for every party guest, a cup for every party guest
How To Play:
- Put the bowl of Skittles in the middle of a table and give each party guest a straw and a cup
- Everyone must use their straw to suck up Skittles and then blow them into their cup
- Either the first person to collect a Skittle of each colour is the winner. Or you can have each player have to focus on a specific colour. Or you can do this against a timer, and the winner has the most Skittles
This game is another absolute classic that works really well for teen birthday parties that involves getting a cookie from the forehead to the mouth.
- Number of players: 4+
- What you need: A packet of cookies/biscuits
How To Play:
- Everyone is given a cookie to place on their forehead
- Each person uses their facial muscles to try and move the cookie to their mouth
- The first person to successfully eat the cookie wins
Also read: 7 No-brainer birthday party activities for teens
Brilliantly fun party games for teen birthday parties
This is another messy and really rather silly party game for teens that will have them causing mayhem.
- Number of players: 4+
- What you need: Cheese balls or cheese puffs. Squirty whipped cream or shaving cream
How To Play:
- Squirt the cream or shaving cream on the first party guest’s face
- Everyone else throws cheese balls/puffs at them.
- The party guest who manages to have the most cheeseballs stuck to their face wins!
This is a game of teamwork and skill that is a great ice-breaker for a teen party. You can play it in teams for bigger gatherings.
- Number of players: 8+
- What you need: Object/s to pass around. E.g. a balloon, water-filled balloon, ball, watermelon
How To Play:
- The party guests stand in a circle
- The first guest is given an object to hold between their knees
- The object must be passed around the circle using only knees or elbows.
- Make this into a competition by dividing the party guests into teams for larger gatherings
Also read: 65 Fun and Heartfelt Birthday Wishes for Teens at Every Milestone
This game is a fusion between Spin the Bottle and Truth or Dare and is best for groups of teens who know each other pretty well. It can be pretty hilarious based on the dares and the willingness of the party guests to entertain each other.
- Number of players: 6+
- What you need: A bottle. Paper and pen. A bowl.
How To Play:
- You can either write the dares yourself or ask the teens to write out a bunch of dares
- Place the dares in the bowl in the middle of the party guests
- Each party guest takes a turn spinning the bottle and the guest who the bottle points to must take a dare and then act on it.
An indoor treasure hunt is a great way to entertain a group of teens. Just put together a set of clues and send them off hunting for a well hidden pot of treasure!
- Number of players: 3+
- What you need: A set of clues (cheat by grabbing our Teen Indoor Treasure Hunt set of clues) and a prize.
How to play:
- Set up the clues around your home (if you're using clues, there is a guide to where to hide each one)
- Hide the prize
- Set the party guests off to work their way around their clues until they find the hidden treasure prize!
Escape room games are huge at the moment and with good reason; they are really engaging and super fun, perfect for teens. What is particularly great about escape room games is that they can take up the duration of a party.
- Number of players: 6+
- What you need: An escape room kit. Etsy has a whole bunch of escape room kits. Or, if you have the brain bandwidth come up with a set of clues and rules yourself.
How To Play:
- Set up the escape room according to the kit
- Set the party guests off trying to work out the escape room!
This game can be as tame or as gross as you want to make it. Who dares wins!!
- Number of players: 8+
- What you need: A big box with a hole cut out of it. A selection of items to hide in the box
- How To Play:
- Put an item in the box without the party guests seeing
- Each party guest takes a turn to try and work out what they are feeling when they put their hand in the box
Why are TP games always so much fun? Is it toilet humour at work?! Whatever, TP Mummy is a super fun game for teens to play. Clearly, it’s a great game for teen Halloween parties!
- Number of players: 6+
- What you need: A stack of toilet rolls
How To Play:
- Divide the party guests up into teams
- Each team is given a bunch of toilet rolls
- One player from each team must volunteer to be TPd
- The winning team is the one with the most covered mummy by the end of a set amount of time
This Or That is a quick-fire version of Would You Rather. It’s a great game for getting everyone energised at the start of a party.
- Number of players: 4+
- What you need: You can either have pre-made This Or That questions, or you can get all the players to make up their own This Or That questions every time they take a turn.
How to play:
- Start by choosing a category, such as food, movies, celebrities, hobbies, future ambitions…
- The first player asks a This Or That question within the category. For example, if the category is food, questions to ask could include, ‘Pizza or burger?’, ‘tofu or beef?’, ‘peas or cheese?’.
- Each player chooses their answer and shares it with the group.
- The player who asks the question counts the number of votes for each option to see which one is most popular.
- The players can then go on to discuss and banter around the options and share any anecdotes or thoughts on why one is better than the other.
- Rinse and repeat until everyone has had a turn asking a question or everyone has had enough!
There is a This Or That game in the Party Games For Teen Girls bundle
Scavenger Hunts are really popular with teens, and the great thing is they can be adapted to be as easy or as hard as you want.
You can also theme them or make a Christmas or Halloween version. You can either just list a bunch of items to be scavenged or write clues – which can be as straightforward or cryptic as you see fit.
- Number of players: 4+
- What you need: A list of items to be found and clues for how to find them (either provide the items or use items already in existence in the place to be scavenged), a prize.
How to play:
- Write out a list of items and clues and print a sheet for every team.
- Hide the items that are to be hunted. Do keep track of where you hide them!
- Divide the players into teams of at least two players.
- Give each team a copy of the scavenger hunt list, clues, and a collection bag.
- Set a time limit for the scavenger hunt. Depending on the number of items and the size of the playing area, the time limit can be anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.
- Once the time limit is up, the teams return so you can add up the scores.
- Award points for each item found.
- The team with the most points wins.
Pictionary is a classic drawing game that was first launched in the mid-1980s and has stood the test of time as a brilliant group party game. It’s easy to learn and can be played with any number of players.
- Number of players: 4 or more
- What you need: A game of Pictionary or paper, pencils, a whiteboard and a list of words or phrases on cards, and a timer.
How to play:
- Divide the players into two teams or more.
- Turn the playing cards with words and phrases on the face side down.
- The first player from the first team has to choose a card and then has one minute to draw a picture of a word or phrase on the card.
- The player’s team has to try and guess the word or phrase whilst the player is drawing.
- If the team guesses correctly, they get a point, and the next player on one of the opposing teams takes a turn drawing.
- If the team doesn’t guess correctly, the other team/s gets a chance to guess the word or phrase.
- Continue playing until one team reaches a predetermined number of points.
Teen Party Printable Games
We've got a growing collection of printable party games for teens. Why not pop over and take a look.
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